Recently, in an informative interview with Economic Times, one of India’s most successful investors Rakesh Jhunjhunwala – said something that really stood out.
The ace investor said “My worst investment has been my health. I would encourage everybody to invest the most in that”
Clearly, the man who is worth more than ₹ 21,000 crore, isn’t happy about his health. He has all the riches in the world, but he advices others to invest the most in health.
The world that we live in today, most of us spend almost our entire lives accumulating wealth. Only to reach a stage where we have a lot of money, but not health to enjoy the accumulated wealth.
For many, the journey of making a lot of money, in itself is stressful – which leads to both mental and health issues.
The below picture sums up life for most people living in cities today:

Is it really worth it in the end?
Trying to strike the right balance between health, wealth, mental peace and anything else that is important to you – is the key to a fulfilling and happy life.
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